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Monday, February 21, 2011


a) What did you learn that you did not know?
- I have learn about blog. after read the quick tour, I could know how to create and control the blog. We can share anything like our opinion, thoughts and experiences with everyone that we want.
b) What type of blog do you find most compelling -- a group or an individual blog?
- Group blog.
c) Why?
- Because in group we may share all the opinion and discuss. Futhermore, we could make an interesting blog by using everyone's creativity to create the blog. The blog will be more interesting because many story that we can share in a group blog. 
d) What is your blog name and address?
-DA SMUGZ LIFE, leyanazlianie.blogspot.com
e) What is its primary purpose?
- It is because I want to explore more about social network issue. Here, we can know more people, sharing informations and shout up the thoughts with anyone.

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