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Monday, May 9, 2011


ak xthu smpi ble ak akn trus cam niew..ak sntise diuji..kdng2 ak ase ak mmpu tmpuh dgn tnang..p, smkin ari ak lllui, smkin xbdya ak mlangkah..adkah ak antra insan y lmah??y xmmpu mjalani hdu dgn tbah..Ya allah,...uatkn lah hmba..ak mmpu tsnyum gmbira dgm mmbr2,,p hati aku,,..skit sgt..sgt3...ak mhukn tman y syg ak,tmt ak bmnja...p,ble ak dpt seme tue..xkn pnah kkal lme..mlah sgt mnyakitkn,,...air mta aku sllu sgt kluar..sllu sgt...ak kdng2 kir..asl la nsib ak xsbek mmbr2 ak..dowang sllu bhgia ng psngn downg..tp ak...xnh rse e2 dgn tmpoh y lme...mlah psti akn bakhir dgn ksakitn..ak da pnat ngan seme niew...ah!ak akn cbe bnci llaki..ye!ak akn cbe..ak xkn pnh dt kbhagiaan bsama mreka..mlah kesakitan je y akn tmani ak..ak thu, ak mmpu tnpa dowang..ak blaeh..wluu hidup ak xkn lengkap..

Monday, February 28, 2011

romantics give for your love and friend

  • A - Albums, antiques, aphrodisiacs, artwork, azaleas
  • B - Balloons, books, bubble bath
  • C - Candles, cards, CDs, chocolate, cookies, concerts, cruises
  • D - Diamonds, dining out, donuts
  • E - Earrings, engagement rings, erotica, escape weekends
  • F - Films, flowers, furs
  • G - Garter belts, gemstones, gold, gourmet recipes and gadgets, guitars
  • H - Hats, Hawaiian vacations, heart-shaped things, honeymoons
  • I - Ice cream, incense, Italian vacations
  • J - Jazz music, Jamaican vacations, jewelry
  • K - Kiss coupons, kites
  • L - Licorice, lingerie, limousine rides, love poetry
  • M - Magazine subscriptions, movie tickets, music
  • N - Nature escapes, necklaces, nightgowns, novels
  • O - Opera, opals, ornaments
  • P - Perfume, picnic baskets, popcorn
  • Q - Quiet afternoons, quilts
  • R - Rings, roses, robes
  • S - Satin sheets, silk shirts and shorts, spas
  • T - Tickets, tents, time together, tools, t-shirts
  • U - Umbrellas, unconditional love
  • V - Vacations, vases
  • W - Watches, waterfall trips, weekend getaways
  • X - eXtravagant gifts and gestures
  • Y - Yachts, Yukon vacations
  • Z - Zoo, Zorro

heart stone

Once I had a heart of stone
For it had surley lost its home
It could not love or wanted too
But in my life, then came you. 

The stones began to fall away
As happiness began to fill my day
A feeling so sweet and special too
Could this be love, I pray is true.

My heart now sings a song of love
For I know that it was  sent from above
My heart is warm, there is no cold
Hard no more, but with wings of gold.

It soars above the sky so high
Sometimes I think of why and cry
My heart now sings a loving song
For the part of me I thought was gone.

The gift that you have given me
Is so important, can't you see
No more sadness or being alone
For now my heart returns to home.

day after day....with love

You are my description of love
You are my description of friend
You are my description of everything
You are my description of beginning to end. You have put me on a pedestal
You make me feel ten feet tall
You've always been there for me
You've loved me through it all.
You've stood by me through thick and thin
You've always been patient and kind
Just thought I'd let you know
You're the owner of this heart of mine.
So you ask how long I'll love you
Well this is what I have to say
Past, present, future, always
Forever and a day!

Monday, February 21, 2011


a) What did you learn that you did not know?
- I have learn about blog. after read the quick tour, I could know how to create and control the blog. We can share anything like our opinion, thoughts and experiences with everyone that we want.
b) What type of blog do you find most compelling -- a group or an individual blog?
- Group blog.
c) Why?
- Because in group we may share all the opinion and discuss. Futhermore, we could make an interesting blog by using everyone's creativity to create the blog. The blog will be more interesting because many story that we can share in a group blog. 
d) What is your blog name and address?
-DA SMUGZ LIFE, leyanazlianie.blogspot.com
e) What is its primary purpose?
- It is because I want to explore more about social network issue. Here, we can know more people, sharing informations and shout up the thoughts with anyone.

Monday, February 7, 2011

only simple words..

Assalammualaikum, and hello..
Nur nazlianie binti rosli is my name.i think my name is quite unique,or I'm the only one  think like this.huhu
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but, i don't care.because for me nobody will do not know what our self really except our own.That only my opinion. This year, I'm twenty years old.That means i life in this world about twenty years. That is along journey in my life.That are many thing i had, and lost in my life.As we knows, life is not easy as what we think.Our life is always change.from the bad things to more better and from the highest level to the last part.what ever it is,the most important things,we must know,who are you really.When you know who are you really, you are easy to choose the ways you like to continue your life.Trust your self,trust your feeling, its more better then you trust others.